No matter who you are, nobody wants skin that looks dull. We all want healthy, glowing skin that looks fabulous all year round. But stress, the weather and lack of care can take it’s toll on our skin making it look dry, blemished and tired. This can be aging and take a long time to rectify. Many of us will use makeup and harsh skincare products that can often make your skin’s condition worse. So use this guide to learn how you can achieve radiant, clear skin that you can be proud to show off all year round.
Protect your skin from the sun
While being out in the sunshine can feel fantastic, the sun’s rays can cause wrinkles, burning and dryness. You can also experience peeling and blistering from being in direct sunlight. The best form of prevention is protecting your skin with sunscreen and staying in the shade. The sunscreen will form a barrier that can prevent burning and tightness of the skin, which can be extremely uncomfortable. Remember to apply every hour for maximum protection. Also, don’t forget to continue using your sunscreen throughout the winter too. It can also protect your delicate skin from chapping and drying out due to winter weather conditions.
Clean your brushes and smartphone
This might sound like an odd tip, but your makeup brushes and smartphone can harbour dirt, bacteria and germs. Putting these onto your face every day can encourage spots and pimples to develop and can cause irritation to your skin’s surface. To keep these at bay, you need to clean your makeup brushes at least once a week, with warm water and soap. Make sure they are thoroughly dried out before using them again and wash your hands before blending in your concealer or foundation. You also need to clean your smartphone regularly with an antibacterial wipe that won’t damage the screen. These measures should prevent the spread of germs and bacteria and prevent your skin from becoming overly oily and dry.
Work out a suitable sequence
For your skin care products to be most effective, you need to establish an order. Lack of thought in your skincare could mean that some of your products are not working as well as they could. Heavy creams such as moisturizers can block lighter toners and cleansers from entering your skin. So if your skin’s condition is not improving this could be why. Always start with your lightest cleansing product first and end with your thicker moisturizer. This will ensure they are penetrating your skin and doing their job.
If you find that your products are too harsh and cause your skin to dry out or become irritated, you may need to use more natural based products. Click here for some homemade remedies and skincare ideas that will be more beneficial to your sensitive skin.
Good skin health requires patience and a little know-how to achieve, but it is not impossible. Try out all or just some of these suggestions until you find a combination that works for you and feel happier in your own skin.